



「とめてもかえる なだめても かえるかえるの みひょこひょこ とんだ不首尾の裏田圃 ふられついでの夜の雨」・尾崎紅葉の江戸小唄「とめてもかえる」にちなんだ粋でユーモラスな草紙柄。掛け軸にでもありそうな味わい深い柄。




Japanese clothing

There are typically two types of clothing that the Japanese wear: the Japanese clothing (和服wafuku), such as kimonos, and Western clothing (洋服yōfuku). Japanese traditional fashion combines multiple styles that reflect early Japan’s visual culture. It represents the culture’s visible artistic and traditional values and joins them together to create a form of fashion recognizable to foreign cultures.

The most well known form of Japanese traditional fashion is the kimono (translates to “something to wear”), Although the traditional wear for Japan became popularized during the Heian period (794-1185) and was worn casually at the time, it is now rare to find people doing so due to the difficult process associated with the wardrobe.

Each type of garment corresponds to a special occasion, such as festivals, ceremonies, or weddings. The materials, colors, and layers used for the clothing differentiate them and their significance, as the looks are also often worn seasonally. The clothing that embodies the culture represents Japan’s traditional values that remain in their community to this day.



“一品柄時代着物地正絹根付袋(江戸小唄蛙柄)” の口コミを投稿します

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