Collection of Pornographic Art from Antiquity(古籍文献及情色专业)。日本唯一,世界屈指可数的CURIOSA(高雅色情美学)专家。明月在天,清辉满地,敬请观赏大尺度色情艺术精华。
公司名 | 株式会社明月 |
董事长 | 刘 冰 |
资本金 | 900万日元 |
所在地 | 〒175-0083 东京都板桥区德丸3-38-31 |
TEL | 03-6906-4925 |
FAX | 03-6906-4932 |
事业内容 | 古籍・古代艺术品销售 拍卖公司委托出品业务 展览会・美术馆等咨询业务 中日法三国古籍文献资料修复事业 古今中外高档人偶・玩具等网络销售 PCS(Private collection service)私人收藏服务 |
经营许可 | 特别国际种事业者(象牙等工艺品销售许可):第02677号 東京都公安委员会登录番号(書籍商):第305491805941号 |
全国美术商连合会(Japan Art Dealer Association) 正会员,以30年以上艺术品和古代美术领域的专业经验,保证商品的真实性和品质。
ABOUT GALERIE MEIGETSU (member of Japan Art Dealer Association)
MEIGETSU CO., LTD is one of the leading international art dealers specializing Chinese, Japanese, himalayan art and CURIOSA(erotique art), As a regular member of JADN (Japan Art Dealer Association),We guarantee all artifacts to be genuine as described. It is our policy never to deliberately list fakes as genuine. All art listed will always stated as such.
We know ledge and expertise in regards of Chinese fine arts, due to me education in museology, sinology, and codicology.I can provide professional curatorial guidance to their visitors, and services extend to appraisal, authentification, and restoration.
Instead of focusing on a particular domain, Galerie meigetsu concentrates on collecting peculiar and rare fine arts objects with exclusive provenance, presenting museum-quality collectibles from Asia and Europe. Items are sourced from old noble collections and all objects are not shown anywhere else before being exhibited at the gallery.
We believe art has the power to transform lives and to build understanding across cultures.We believe that the brilliant histories of art belong to everyone, no matter their background.
We guarantee all artifacts to be genuine as described. It is our policy never to deliberately list fakes as genuine. All art listed will always stated as such.
Specialized stock of fine rare books for the discriminating collector focusing on late 18th or early 19th Century France,Chinese or japanese Curiosa Literature(pornography), Fine Bindings, Unique and Rare Books, Jugendstil, Autograph Letters, Manuscripts,Inscribed Books, Art of the Book.
Specialized in erotic literature and art, nude photography, sexology, homosexuality.
I am know for selling beautiful copies so that and I’m convinced that books condition is very important.may be the difference of price. in fact ,it also depends on titles.
But it becomes rare in beautiful condition and this makes all the difference.Then condition is very important (no mark, no ex libris no stains or watermarks etc).
30 ans d’expérience Professionnels dans le domaine de l’Art et de l’Antiquité.Nos experts vous apportent:Garantie,Authenticité et Qualité.
TOUTES MES VENTES SONT NEGOCIABLES,N’hésitez pas à me faire une proposition raisonnable
propose une sélection de beaux livres anciens et modernes sur le thème du curiosa : l’érotisme, la femme, la sexualité, etc. Belles éditions illustrées, reliure d’art, livres clandestins introuvables, etc. La qualité des exemplaires proposés est notre premier objectif. Votre satisfaction est la récompense d’un travail bibliographique et d’étude approfondie des ouvrages proposés. Les exemplaires proposés sont la plupart du temps parfaitement conservés dans leur reliure de l’époque (sauf mention dans le descriptif).
Spezialantiquariat für erotische Literatur & Kunst, Aktfotografie, Sexualwissenschaft und Homosexualität.